
About Me

I am a full time student with a double major in computer systems engineering and music, bout in the UAdeC. My interests include mathematics, music, cognitive science, complex systems, AI and some other things, so pretty much all the projects that I get involved are related to those topics.

As a programmer I use Python almost all the time but I have experience with Java for the school projects and C++ for programming contest.


Two years ago I joined to the ACM-Student Chapter of my university and since then I am involved in the ICPC, the chapter's activities and the practice of problem solving with different Online Judges.

About this blog

I created this website to document my projects and share them. I'm constantly discovering new tools, books and technology, and this will be the place for me to experiment and create. Hopefully the information in this blog will be useful to someone and get inspired to start a new project and, who knows, maybe learn something new.